Nice to meet you!
So...you know I'm a USA Today best-selling author of paranormal and dystopian romance, but did you know I'm also a registered psychologist? I spend my daylight hours loving my job as psych, and it's evening and weekends that my fingers fly over my keyboard. I'm profoundly blessed to be able to work in two professions that touch others in very positive ways.
Here are a few more facts you probably didn't know about me ;-)

I never dreamed I'd be a writer
As a child I loved to read (I devoured romance novels from the moment I discovered them), but it NEVER occurred to me that I could write one myself. But an idea was born and it wanted to be shared. And once I started I discovered a passion and a talent I didn't know existed! More characters and stories came knocking (some far more insistently and impatiently than others) and I haven't stopped since.
It just shows you, never underestimate your potential or what is waiting just around the corner.
English is technically my second language
I was born in Israel (to a European father and Australian mother) and arrived in Australia when I was ten - which is also why I have a Hebrew name. Tamar is pronounced 'Ta-mar', just like Tamara but without the extra 'a' on the end.
I was bilingual but Hebrew was my first language. For the first year in Australia I spoke accented Aussie at school but Hebrew at home.
Now, I don’t remember Hebrew at all, but I still use it as an excuse for any grammatical errors that sneak through.

My husband is my
Most unforeseen plot twists that I love to weave into my books were conceived by my husband, Sean.
I simply give him the parameters and characters and watch the magic happen. He has a capacity for lateral thinking and problem solving my brain has never managed to unlock.
I'm an information
I love to read and learn.
So much so that I have degrees in Applied Science, Education and Psychology. I’ve taken courses on a wide variety of interests like reiki, basket making and counselling. I have books on homeopathy, sheep husbandry and Buddhism.
And don’t get me started on my fiction piles, real and digital…
(oh, and that's a stock image - there's no way my bookcase is that organised!)

I love to
Okay, this one you probably already knew.
But I do love hearing from readers and fellow writers. I write so that my work can touch others, and hearing about that and sharing it is one of the greatest joys of writing.
Why not join my mailing list? It's a wonderful place where I share sneaky snippets of upcoming releases, cover reveals, but more importantly, we get to connect and talk life and books.
I'd love to see you there!