Official Website of USA Today Best-Selling Paranormal Romance Author

My Story
How wonderful to have you here :)
My love of romance started way back in adolescence (anyone remember Silhouette romances? I devoured them) but I never thought I'd write them. But life does love a good curve ball and one day I woke up from a dream and a concept that wouldn't go away and had to be written. The next thing I knew more characters came knocking, demanding for their lessons to be shared and their stories to be told. I love sharing their journeys of human resilience and discovering life and love beyond our comfort zones.
As a youth worker who became and teacher and am now a psychologist, writing young adult books was an inevitability that became a passion. As a long time reader of romance and a strong believer in the healing power of connection, romance was always going be the central focus of my writing.
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